Mastering Law Examinations...

*The EXAM Academy
…10 Times Better… (Dan 1:20)
Time-Tested WAYS in mastering LAW Examinations! (Daniel 1: 4-20(NKJV)
Moses A. Ojo (Esq.)1
ife is very simple if you possess the right key that opens each door. Academics is one aspect of life that a lot of people find somehow challenging to understand  its nature, grasp its dynamics, and get the appropriate key that opens its excellence side. Let me briefly share with you treasures that will enable you write ALL KINDS OF EXAMINATIONS with fun and smile to the Notice Board when results are out. I call them; "8 Lessons from Daniel and the Other 3 Hebrew Boys". I implore you to please read in between the lines so that you can get the full gist of this piece

1.      PURITY:-  " whom there was no blemish..." (Dan 1:4) Everybody on earth want God's favour, but God shows His favour only to those who are without blemish. The truth is, God the supplier of G.P picks a special interest in people who have been purged of impurity. This is foundational, fundamental, germane, crucial, and highly essential for you to enjoy the best of God in your academics.

2.      UPRIGHTNESS:- "...but good looking..." (Vs 4) Take notice, this is not about some religious kind of overview, they are divine principles which have been tested and trusted overtime. This second lesson suggests uprightness before God, not primarily before men. People may give you good names when you show some good behaviour, but we know that at some point we get closer to God and the next moment we are back in the flesh. Stop the double standard, you cannot serve two masters. Jesus said: "I know My sheep and My sheep know Me...and I go before them..." God needs to work ahead of you academically, you cannot handle it alone. But you have to be His sheep.

3.      DIVINE ENDOWMENT WITH WISDOM:- "...gifted in all wisdom..." (Vs 4) Divine wisdom is given by God. It directs you to be more sensitive to important things and to jettison immaterial things. It took me some time to discover what I am about to share with you. As Law Students you must study AND UNDERSTAND all your principles of law, their exceptions, theories, rules, and provisions of law. There are just few aspects you have to cram, e.g cases, sections of Statutes, and list of principles. But, lecturers sometimes consciously and unconsciously emphasize some topics in class just to hint you that they will come out in the test / exams, but only a few students are always sensitive to this. However you may rob minds with the best students in your class, they have a list of them. Pray to God for the wisdom to approach each course you offer, and He will surely endow you with it.

4.      ADEQUATE STUDY:- "...possessing knowledge..." (Vs 4) There is no substitute for adequate study, God can only bless what you have read. Don't be deceived, God does not bless an empty brain. It is good to go to places and pray in tongues every day, but as your mind is full of revelations, so also your mind must be drunk with all the principles of law in your syllabus. Recently I had an  interview with a top Insurance Conglomerate, it was fun in the interview room because I answered all the questions beyond their satisfaction, I got the appointment immediately after my interview; though I later dropped the appointment for some personal reasons. Adequate study! Please ensure that you answer at least 6 past questions on each course, you will notice repeated questions each year. That is an expo! Then study other topics along side. It works like magic; no lecturer has the time for so much new questions.

5.      ABILITY TO CONCENTRATE AND DIGEST KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED:- "...quick to understand..." (Vs 4) Ensure that your understanding ability is well developed, through daily efforts, but the key to quick understanding is concentration and regulgitation of the things you have read.

6.      A LEARNING HEART:- "...whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans..." (Vs 4b) You know what? We have to stop studying our books because of the fear of G.P, rather, let's start studying with thirst and hunger for knowledge. This will get you unsatisfied with how much you have read. For example, in the Indian movie, 3 Idiots, Rancho studied because he just wants to know the nitty-gritty of the course, and among his peers he had less stress and the best results all through. Study with hunger for knowledge!

7.      A DISCIPLINED LIFE:- (Vs. 5-15) The Four Hebrew boys denied themselves of the King's delicacies. That is a disciplined life. Excellence in examinations demands a disciplined lifestyle. Discipline is the top secret of the world's greatest men. How can this be achieved? Stay committed to daily planned studying. It is a very good practice. Great things don't happen overnight, they happen overtime. Deliberate action with discipline will help you. Make sure you review what you have read, refresh your memory with your jotter, and it is recommended to take light meals before you start reading to avoid dozing when reading. But you can chew stuffs to make reading interesting.

8.      SUPERNATURAL 'ENGRACEMENT':- "...and God gave them..." (Vs 17) Grace distinguishes you academically, it covers inadequacies. Supernatural grace makes difficult things very easy; it gives quicker understanding and retention of memory. It also enables you to concentrate on the right topics; it turns examinations to fun for you, and makes what you write to captivate the heart of all your examiners. May you carry that grace in Jesus name!

I hereby heartily wish you outstanding excellence in all your examinations even as you apply these Eight (8) Lessons. Thanks and God bless!
1Moses A. Ojo (Esq.) is 2009 Law Graduate of OAU. He was a member of the Winning Debate and Moot and Mock team that travelled the length and breadth of Nigeria that year. He is Our Academy Instructor specially assigned to law. He can be contacted on: 07034236340;
 and BBPin: 28E5C6BA
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